Daily Bulletin

Negaunee High School Bulletin for Monday, March 10, 2025

2025 Spring Testing Dates

Tuesday, April 8th: 9th grade PSAT 9 (8 AM - 10:30 AM) in the Gym

Wednesday, April 9th: 11th grade SAT (8 AM - 11:30 AM) in the Gym

Thursday, April 10th: 11th grade ACT WorkKeys (8 AM - 11 AM) in the Gym

Friday, April 11th: 10th grade PSAT 10 (8 AM - 10:30 AM) in the Gym

Tuesday, April 15th: 11th grade M-STEP (Science); these tests will take place during Chemistry classes that day

Thursday, April 17th: 11th grade M-STEP (Social Studies); these tests will take place during American History classes that day

After School Tutoring:

After school tutoring will start on January 27th through March 21st from 2:50 PM - 3:50 PM

Monday: Mr. Backlund (Science), Room 305

Tuesday: Mr. Ruokola (Math), Room 205

Wednesday: Ms. Johnson (Social Studies), Room 210

Mrs. Kerry (Spanish/English), Room 202

Mrs. Decker (Directed Study), Room 117

Thursday: Mrs. O'Donnell (English), Room 204

Golf Meeting

If you plan on joining the golf team this year, make sure to show up at the 1st team meeting, which will take place on Tuesday, March 11th @ 3pm

in the Negaunee HS cafeteria. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend and beginners are welcome to join.

You DO NOT need to bring golf clubs to the meeting.

Law Enforcement Career Academy

Students in Grades 10 thru 12 interested in Law Enforcement can register for the Law Enforcement Career Academy that is held June 15-20th with the Michigan State Police downstate. Our local Kiwanis will sponsor a student interested in attending. Deadline to apply is March 31st, pick up an application in the Guidance Office.

University of Michigan Opportunity

University of Michigan is hosting a meeting for interested 10th and 11th graders with advice on the college application process. Part of this meeting will discuss their Groe with I2A (Intend to Attend) program which help coach students on college decisions. The meeting will be at 9:30 on March 19th. Please sign up in the Guidance Office if you would like to attend.

WestPAC Honors

Congratulations to the Negaunee Varsity Girls Basketball Team, who received the overall Conference Title for 2 seasons in a row!

Also, congratulations to the following girls who took home individual recognition:

Player of the Year and Defensive Player of the Year: Aubrey Johnson

Dream Team: Gretel Johnson

1st Team (Iron): Clare O'Donnell

All Defensive: Keira Waterman

Honorable Mention: Madison Pekrul

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