Daily Bulletin

Negaunee Middle School Bulletin for Monday, March 10, 2025

Daily Menu

TODAY: Beef or Chicken Nachos

Birthday List

Today's Birthdays: Cienna Chevrette

Forensics Team

There will be a Forensics meeting for all participants during noon hour and SSR today in Mrs. Palomaki's room regarding March is Reading Month at Lakeview. ALL Forensics members must attend.

Class T-shirt Design Contest Winners

Thank you to all who submitted entries for the class tshirt contest! The winning designs were made by Mari Helminen, Marlee Miron, Brin Tracy, and Gabby Green. Be on the lookout for an order form after spring break. Orders will be collected so that you can get your class shirt in time for the last day of school!

Pop For Sale During SSR

Mrs. Hill will be selling leftover bottles of pop at the concession stand during SSR on Monday and Tuesday this week. It is $2 per bottle. Proceeds go to the Washington DC Trip.

Yearbook Sales

Yearbooks are on sale for $27. Additional order forms are available in the office and in Mrs. Toutant's room. Yearbooks may also be ordered online. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Toutant.

Art Club

Art club will meet at lunch today in the library. Passes in the office.

After School Tutoring Opportunities

After School Content Specific Tutoring is available from 2:30-3:30pm as follows:

5th and 6th Grade Tutoring

- Mondays - 5th/6th Grade ELA with Mrs. Whitford

- Wednesdays - 5th/6th Grade Math with Mrs. Lammi

7th and 8th Grade Tutoring

- Wednesdays - 7th/8th Grade Math with Mrs. Palomaki

- Wednesdays - 7th/8th Grade ELA with Mrs. Fisher


* Homework club is from 2:30 -3:30 pm in the Health Room. Students must stay for the entire time unless otherwise arranged by parents.


Friday's Question: According to the National Weather Service, which Upper Peninsula city received the MOST SNOWFALL in last week's snowstorm?

Answer: Negaunee

New Trivia Topic: Facts for NMS Winter Olympics Homeroom Countries

Today's Question: What is Bostwana's number one export?

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